UnderdogFantasy's weekly winners contest was first offered last year (2023). $3.5M prize fund with a max of 261,000 entries. (248,748 entries actually entered), with a 10.6% rake. For your $15 entry fee, you got a chance to win $20k every week. $205k was given out every week.
I reconstructed all quarter of a million lineups with their weeks 1-17 results.
Here's what I found:
- 3 QB Stacks are optimal (Both 2QB/3QB stacks were +EV)
- If a RB/WR scored 6 points. 50% of the time that score would be used in the lineup's score. If a WR scored 10 points, that score would be used 90% of the time.
- Stacking byes can be extremely effective. In week 13 (6 bye week), Only 65% of the field, was able to construct a full roster (every position scored non-zero)
- Only 14 of the 32 stacks were +EV. Only 5 were extremely profitable (SF, MIA, HOU, DET, DAL)
- Elite WR/TE are over valued. This is seemingly a remenant of WeeklyWinners ADPs being derived from BBM. (Typically in best ball, Elite QB/TE value is compounded over the course of the regular season)
- Hero RB was the best strategy (this is probably skewed due to CMC starts)
Player EV / Methodology:
Positional Value:
In the above section, we looked at Player EV's. i.e how valuable was a specific player over the course of a season in the WW format. In this section we'll look at player scores by position instead to answer, What weekly point thresholds should we care about for our players? It is intuitive to the community that WeeklyWinners benefits players who's score spike more than normal BestBall formats. We'd prefer a WR who scores 30 points 1 week and 6 points the next vs. a WR who scores 18 in back to back weeks.
A standard Underdog Bestball lineup is made up of the following players:
- 1 QB
- 2 RB
- 3 WR
- 1 TE
The lineup having asymmetric constraints based on position in addition to positional values being different. We perform a similar analysis to the Player EV one.
- For each player, we take their score and floor it. note their position, if the player was used and how much money that lineup made.
- Example: DK Metcalf scored 18.4 points, his score was used in the lineup and the lineup cashed for $200
- Data:
{points: 18.0, position: WR, payout: 200, used: true}
- Calculate the PnL and how often that score/position pair was used in the lineup: